Renting out your spare room is a bit like datingššš...yes you heard me right! Revamping a room takes care and thought, and it certainly helps to be in good shape. Just as you want to look your best, you want your lovely property to look its best.
Here are a few helpful tips to get you started
De-clutter the bedroom...no one likes a mess
If you have time add a fresh coat of paint
A new duvet set is a nice touch with some scatter cushions on the bed
Position the furniture to optimise the space and light
Nice lighting makes a big difference, and remember this doesnāt need to be costly
I am a BIG fan of IKEA, because their bedroom furniture is sturdy, modern and most importantly well-priced.
Remember the goal is to catch a tenants eye as they scroll through many property listings.
In a world of Instagram and easy access to information, appearances have an impact, and your property is no exception, so take this opportunity to get the most from your spare room...you know its great, now show people why it is.
Good luck!